#occuppywallstreet #ows
Video pojednáva o výrokoch amerického prezidenta Baraka Obamu a ministerky zahraničných vecí Hillary Clintonovej. Svojími vyjadreniami podporujú protesty v Egypte, Iráne, Lýbii či Sírii, pričom poukazujú na to, že Kadáfiho režim dostal nevinných ľudí do väzenia, nespravodlivo potláčal slobodu prejavu násilím.
Video ukazuje v prestrihoch, že Obama a Clintonová si vlastne protirečia, pretože toto isté sa deje v ich krajine - v USA. Ľudia slobodne protestujú, pričom sú neustále neprávom zatýkaní a bití policajnými zložkami.
I am not moving (short film)
24.9.2011 v New York City.
02:54 - do kamery hovorí mladý afroameričan. Tu je celý jeho preslov.
“That bank, right there, right there! That’s the bank that took my parents’ home! That’s the bank right there! That’s the bank! That’s the bank! That’s the bank that took my dad’s home! That’s the bank right there! I’m not moving. I’m not moving! [is asked what his name is] Robert Stephens, with a ‘ph’, and I’m not moving! I’m a law student at George Washington University and I’m not moving! That’s the bank that took my parents’ home. They played by the rules! My dad has a PhD, two masters degrees, and a college [bachelors?] degree. My mom has a masters and a college degree. And what did they do? They took their home! I will go to jail tonight because it’s not right and I’m not, I’m not, I will not stand by and just watch! I will not do it. So take me to jail right now ‘cause I will not — after all my parents gave me, I can do one thing for them, and tell them that I would rather die than be quiet and watch everything that they’ve worked for go away. I’m not doing it. I’m not gonna be quiet! I’m not gonna be quiet! I’m gonna look at them right there and I’m gonna say, ‘You took it! And we’re gonna take it back!’ I didn’t plan on getting arrested today, I didn’t plan on it, but I saw these, I saw these people and I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. I submit. Take me. I submit. I submit. I submit.” (zdroj)
#occuppywallstreet #ows
Video pojednáva o výrokoch amerického prezidenta Baraka Obamu a ministerky zahraničných vecí Hillary Clintonovej. Svojími vyjadreniami podporujú protesty v Egypte, Iráne, Lýbii či Sírii, pričom poukazujú na to, že Kadáfiho režim dostal nevinných ľudí do väzenia, nespravodlivo potláčal slobodu prejavu násilím.
Video ukazuje v prestrihoch, že Obama a Clintonová si vlastne protirečia, pretože toto isté sa deje v ich krajine - v USA. Ľudia slobodne protestujú, pričom sú neustále neprávom zatýkaní a bití policajnými zložkami.
I am not moving (short film)
24.9.2011 v New York City.
02:54 - do kamery hovorí mladý afroameričan. Tu je celý jeho preslov.
“That bank, right there, right there! That’s the bank that took my parents’ home! That’s the bank right there! That’s the bank! That’s the bank! That’s the bank that took my dad’s home! That’s the bank right there! I’m not moving. I’m not moving! [is asked what his name is] Robert Stephens, with a ‘ph’, and I’m not moving! I’m a law student at George Washington University and I’m not moving! That’s the bank that took my parents’ home. They played by the rules! My dad has a PhD, two masters degrees, and a college [bachelors?] degree. My mom has a masters and a college degree. And what did they do? They took their home! I will go to jail tonight because it’s not right and I’m not, I’m not, I will not stand by and just watch! I will not do it. So take me to jail right now ‘cause I will not — after all my parents gave me, I can do one thing for them, and tell them that I would rather die than be quiet and watch everything that they’ve worked for go away. I’m not doing it. I’m not gonna be quiet! I’m not gonna be quiet! I’m gonna look at them right there and I’m gonna say, ‘You took it! And we’re gonna take it back!’ I didn’t plan on getting arrested today, I didn’t plan on it, but I saw these, I saw these people and I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. Take me. Take me. Take me. Take me. I submit. Take me. I submit. I submit. I submit.” (zdroj)